Syndrome De Landau-kleffner Pdf Download >
Syndrome De Landau-kleffner Pdf Download
In: Roger J, Dravet C, Bureau M, Dreifuss FE, Wolf P. The language disorder could be the result of a paroxysmal disruption of language function during the time of its greatest development and vulnerability 71. Landau-Kleffner syndromes: a clinical and EEG study of five cases. A report on spectral and topographic mapping of the EEG revealed variability in the mode of propagation of paroxymal discharges 24. Brain Dev 1999;21:90–98.
Dev Med Child Neurol 1990;32:270–274. Wioland N, Rudolf G, Metz-Lutz MN. Rapin I. Pediatr Neurol 1994;11:230–235. There are few longterm follow up studies and no firm conclusions regarding potential for recovery 3, 9, 20. Acquired aphasia with convulsive disorder: course and prognosis. [PubMed] 8 .
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